欧洲证券及市场管理局 (ESMA)发布重要公告!

今日,欧洲证券及市场管理局 (ESMA) 发布公告,已确定欧盟经济区最新监管政策,全面禁止二元期权,差价合约 (含零售外汇) 杠杆最高30倍,爆仓比例50%,负余额保护,新规将于近日公布实施。





CFDs–agreed measures  


The product intervention measures ESMA has agreed under Article 40 of the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation include:


1. Leverage limits on the opening of a position by a retail client from 30:1 to 2:1, which vary according to the volatility of the underlying:


30:1 for major currency pairs;


20:1 for non-major currency pairs, gold and major indices;


10:1 for commodities other than gold and non-major equity indices;


5:1 for individual equities and other reference values;


2:1 for cryptocurrencies;


2. A margin close out rule on a per account basis. This will standardise the percentage of margin (at 50% of minimum required margin) at which providers are required to close out one or more retail client’s open CFDs;


3. Negative balance protection on a per account basis. This will provide an overall guaranteed limit on retail client losses;


4. A restriction on the incentives offered to trade CFDs; and


5. A standardised risk warning, including the percentage of losses on a CFD provider’s retail investor accounts.




在一项基于“ESMA的监管新规会对交易者产生何种影响”的调查中,高达57%的参与者表示他们可能会考虑提供更高杠杆、更低保证金的离岸监管经纪商(offshore broker)。





阅读 1688 次数 最后修改于 2018年4月月30日 13:11
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